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Information and Best Practices Related to NASA Nuclear Flight Safety for Space Flights Involving Space Nuclear Systems

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NASA Organization and Technical Discipline
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NASA HQ Office, Facility or Division
OSMA - Office of Safety and Mission Assurance
Technical Discipline Category
8000 - Safety, Quality, Reliability, Maintainability
Endorsed Standard
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OSMA Endorsed Standard
NASA Core Standard
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The purpose of this handbook is to facilitate a repeatable and robust process that promotes
clear and effective interfaces between activities and stakeholders focused on meeting nuclear flight
safety requirements for missions utilizing space nuclear systems (SNS), within the context of
NASA’s broader nuclear-related activities and interfaces. NPR 8715.26, Nuclear Flight Safety,
requires that the NASA project manager “incorporate nuclear flight safety considerations starting
with program or project formulation through the point at which the SNS or other radioactive
material no longer has the potential to affect Earth’s biosphere.”

NASA’s use of SNS inherently involves partnering with other stakeholders to conduct a range of
related activities that interface with nuclear flight safety. From a categorical perspective these
include: (i) meeting the authorities and licensing requirements for possession and use of nuclear
material, as governed by other Federal authorities; (ii) conducting National Environmental Policy
Act (NEPA) activities for nuclear-enabled missions; (iii) meeting Federal nuclear launch
authorization requirements; (iv) conducting radiological contingency planning activities,
including those associated with international commitments; (v) performing risk communication
and public outreach activities; and (vi) ensuring decommissioning and disposal strategies reflect
National policies and interests. It is the intent of this handbook to promote an effective interface
between nuclear flight safety and these interrelated categorical activities.

In addition to activities undertaken with partnering agencies, there are individual nuclear-related
activities and programs that have a nexus to nuclear flight safety, and these include: (i)
applicable NASA Standing Review Boards; (ii) the US Department of Energy nuclear safety
activities conducted in partnership with NASA under Memoranda of Understanding; (iii) the
Department of Defense’s Range Safety activities; (iv) NASA’s general involvement in
interagency and international dialogues regarding nuclear safety; (v) the NASA-administered
Interagency Nuclear Safety Review Board; (vi) NASA’s program and project governance
activities and nuclear-specific Technical Discipline Team activities under the Office of the Chief
Engineer; and others. It is the intent of this handbook to promote effective leveraging of these
additional interrelated organizational activities, as appropriate.
nuclear flight safety, nuclear systems, mission, launch, safety assurance
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