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Potassium Silicate Coatings, Application of

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MSFC - Marshall Space Flight Center
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This specification covers the detail requirements for the painting application of ceramic coatings used for thermal control or astronaut visual cue/part markings on space flight hardware. In general, these are two-part ceramic coatings with potassium silicate or hybrid potassium/sodium silicate binder, including Z-93P, Z-93SC55, Z-93C55, YB-71P, YB-71C, MH21:IP, MH11ZP, and MH55ICP made by Alion Sciences and AZ-93, AZW/ LA-II, AZ-2000-IECW, AZ-2100-IECW, ML-210-IB, RM-550-IB, AZ-1000-ECB, AMJ-400-IG, AMJ-600-IR, AMJ-700-IBU, AMJ-710-IBU, TMS-800-IY, and TMS-810-ICY made by AZ Technology. These coatings have flight history, either on hardware or as part of the Materials on International Space Station Experiment (MISSE). Other vendors of potassium silicate and hybrid silicate binder coatings may be considered. This document gives no recommendation, endorsement, or preference, either expressed or implied, concerning materials and vendors to be used.
This supersedes MSFC specification 10M01838, “Paint, Z-93 Temperature Control, Application of, Specification for”. Refer to MSFC-PROC-1384 for silicone binder coatings and MSFC-PROC-547 for polyurethane binder coatings.
application of ceramic coatings used for thermal control or astronaut visual cue/part markings on space flight hardware
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msfc-proc-3747.pdf (153.56 KB)
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Tammy K Barcala
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Last modified by:  Fred McMullen
Last modified on:  Sat, 10/14/2023 - 23:51


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