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Project Planning and Control Handbook

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NASA Standard
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NASA Organization and Technical Discipline
Responsible NASA Organization
MSFC - Marshall Space Flight Center
Endorsed Standard
Endorsement Details
NASA Core Standard
NASA Endorsed Standard Status
Not NASA Endorsed
Mandatory Standard
NASA Mandatory Standard
Not a NASA Mandatory Standard
Document Scope
Document Scope
The emphasis of this handbook is to describe the processes necessary for project and mission support business management. This handbook describes contemporary practices and policies employed at MSFC in project and mission support business management organizations for the following: schedule and budget development and execution; financial accountability; Earned Value Management (EVM); workforce assessment; programmatic analysis and reporting; and the technical, quality, risk, and configuration change aspects affecting PP&C.
execution of program/projects, quality objectives, information inprogrammatic and mission support terms, how-to and reference guide
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Additional Comments
This handbook is not intended to be a specification, but rather should be used as guidance based on best practices in the programmatic execution of projects and Center-provided mission support. It may also serve to orient newcomers and outsiders to the PP&C processes used at MSFC in the development and management of space systems and associated infrastructure, and the Center's mission support functions.


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