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Organization that Developed the Standard
Organization that Developed the Standard
NASA Standard
Document Identifiers
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NASA Organization and Technical Discipline
Responsible NASA Organization
KSC - Kennedy Space Center
Endorsed Standard
Endorsement Details
NASA Core Standard
NASA Endorsed Standard Status
Not NASA Endorsed
Mandatory Standard
NASA Mandatory Standard
Not a NASA Mandatory Standard
Document Scope
Document Scope
This standard sets forth requirements for hazardproofing electrical installations and equipment in
hazardous locations classified by the authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) and other locations
designated as hazardous at Kennedy Space Center (KSC) to prevent ignition of flammable
liquids or hazardous fluids, gases, vapors or open-grain solid propellants.
This document defines the minimum requirement that KSC ground systems and equipment must meet.
This document does not
• define how to design systems and equipment, or
• encompass hazardproofing requirements associated with lightning protection, grounding, operational safety, toxicity, or chemical reactions.
This standard does not apply to locations made hazardous because of the presence of high explosives (such as blasting agents or munitions) or pyrophoric materials (those that ignite spontaneously in air).
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Internet Public -- Standard is cleared for public accessibility on the internet.
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Application Notes for this Standard

-No Application Notes are associated with this standard.

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If you have a lesson learned that is not in LLIS, click “Proceed to the NASA Engineering Network to create a new “Lesson Learned” about this Standard” to be vetted and approved in that process. Then, associate the lesson by clicking “Create a new “Lessons Learned” record for this Standard.”

-No Lessons Learned are associated with this standard.