NASA Mandatory Standard
Not a NASA Mandatory Standard
Document Scope
This document establishes requirements and guidance for the design and fabrication of ground systems (GS), which includes ground support equipment (GSE) and ground support systems (GSS), to provide uniform methods and processes for the design and development of robust, safe, reliable, maintainable, supportable, and cost-effective GS in support of space flight and institutional programs and projects. This standards manual is intended to supplement the minimum requirements of NASA-STD-5005 by applying more site-specific, stringent, restrictive, or demanding requirements applicable to the specific Kennedy Space Center (KSC) environment and to ensure compatibility with existing systems. This standards manual also provides requirements for GSS which are not covered by NASA-STD-5005.
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PUBLIC: Document History for Standard
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KSC-DE-512-SM REV M.pdf
(678.86 KB)
KSC-DE-512-SM Rev L Chg 1.pdf
(953.01 KB)
KSC-DE-512-SM Rev L Chg 3.pdf
(869.69 KB)
KSC-DE-512-SM Rev L Chg 4.pdf
(844.67 KB)
KSC-DE-512-SM Rev L Chg 5.pdf
(848.88 KB)
KSC-DE-512-SM Rev K.pdf
(3.28 MB)
KSC-DE-512-SM Rev L.pdf
(306.43 KB)
Additional Comments
This document has been reviewed by the KSC Export Control Office and it has been determined that it does not meet the criteria for control under the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) or Export Administration Regulations (EAR).
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