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Bulk Security Standard for Spacecraft Communication

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NASA Standard
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NASA Organization and Technical Discipline
Responsible NASA Organization
GSFC - Goddard Space Flight Center
Endorsed Standard
Endorsement Details
NASA Core Standard
NASA Endorsed Standard Status
Not NASA Endorsed
Mandatory Standard
NASA Mandatory Standard
Not a NASA Mandatory Standard
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The purpose of this document is to define a bulk security (encryption and authentication) standard for NASA missions, perform the error correction/detection decoding prior to processing the security at the receive end (the spacecraft), allow the use of heritage transfer frames, update from the Counter with Cipher Block Chaining Mode (CCM) security structure to Galois Counter Mode (GCM), and add the option of LDPC codes. In addition, for the near term (~15 years) allow systems to use a heritage CLTU to avoid the need for changing both existing ground software that generates the CLTU and spacecraft software/firmware that processes the CLTU. In alignment with recent Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS) development, the term CLTU has been expanded and is further expanded here to what we call a secured CLTU (Secured-CLTU).

This document describes the various fields needed for bulk security and defines where those fields are placed and what information they contain.
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Next 5-Year Review Date


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