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Guideline for Performing Risk Assessments

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NASA Standard
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NASA Organization and Technical Discipline
Responsible NASA Organization
GSFC - Goddard Space Flight Center
Endorsed Standard
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NASA Core Standard
NASA Endorsed Standard Status
Not NASA Endorsed
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Not a NASA Mandatory Standard
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This handbook provides a uniform approach for performing risk assessments across all discipline areas at GSFC, within the context of the continuous risk management process described in GPR 7120.4. This document may also be used to support projects under other risk management plans and procedures, and in such cases, the scales and likelihood and consequence definitions may differ from those in GPR 7120.4. This document does not supersede organizational or project/program usage of local risk management processes. The purpose of using a uniform risk assessment approach is that likelihood and consequence ranks used to estimate risks are derived consistently from a common reference. Commonly-derived basis ranks enable comparing risks consistently to provide engineers and managers more credible assessments for programmatic, safety, and technical decisions.
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Submitting User
Katherine Suzanne Schauer
Submitting User's Email

Last modified by:  Fred McMullen
Last modified on:  Sat, 10/14/2023 - 21:49


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